
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Ph.D. in Physics.

Harvard University

B.A. in Astrophysics and Physics.                                                                    

Magna Cum Laude with Highest Honors in Field.

Cambridge, MA

August 2018 - May 2024

Cambridge, MA 

May 2018


Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

NSF AAPF (Simonyi-NSF Scholars)/CfA Fellow  

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Instrument Scientist for WINTER

Advisor: Dr. Robert A. Simcoe                                                                                               


Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Advisor: Dr. Brian McLeod                                                                                      


University of California, Irvine

Advisor: Dr. Simona Murgia                                                                                       


Large Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO at Caltech)

Advisors: Dr. Gabriele Vajente, Dr. Alan Weinstein                                                                                  


University of California, Irvine

Advisor: Dr. Aaron Barth                                                                                                          

Cambridge, MA

Sep 2024 - Present

Cambridge, MA

Aug 2018 - Aug 2024

Cambridge, MA 

Sep 2016 - May 2018

Irvine, CA

Feb 2017 - May 2017

 Pasadena, CA

June 2016 - Aug 2016

 Irvine, CA

June 2013 - Aug 2013

Awards and Fellowships

Outreach and Service


First-author papers:

Contributing-author papers:


Awarded observing time

Further experience: Swift ToOs, Wallace Observatory, MINERVA, Clay, Loomis-Michael, Lick, 1.5-meter Tillinghast and 1.2-meter reflector telescopes at FLWO.


Supervised undergraduate projects:

Mentored undergraduate women in physics:

Mentored graduate women in physics:


MIT Teaching Assistant, Observational Techniques of Optical Astronomy.

Cambridge, MA. Fall 2021

Seminar Leader, Harvard Summit for Youth Leaders in China

Beijing, China. August 2015.

Presentations and Conferences

Transients from Space

Baltimore, MD. March 2025

AAS Winter Meeting

National Harbor, MD. January 2025.

NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship Symposium

National Harbor, MD. January 2025.

SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation

Yokohama, Japan. June 2024.

AAS Winter Meeting

New Orleans, LA. January 2024.

KIPAC Tea Talk

Portola Valley, CA. December 2023.

CIERA Observers Group Meeting

Evanston, IL. November 2023. 

Harvard ITC Lunch Talk                                                    

 Cambridge, MA. November 2023. 

Berkeley Astronomy Department Lunch Talk

Berkeley, CA. October 2023.

Caltech Astronomy Tea Talk   

Pasadena, CA. October 2023.                             


Tucson, AZ. October 2023.

Windows on the Universe: Establishing the Infrastructure for a Collaborative Multi-messenger Ecosystem

Tucson, AZ. October 2023.

Carnegie Observatories Lunch Seminar

Virtual. October 2023.    

The Transient and Variable Universe

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, June 2023.

SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation

Montreal, CA. July 2022.

Exploring the Transient Universe with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope

Virtual. February 2022.

GWPAW (Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop)

Hannover, Germany/Virtual. December 2021.

AAS (American Astronomical Society).

National Harbor, MD. January 2018.

AAS (American Astronomical Society)

Dallas, TX. January 2017.


CUWiP (Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics)

UCLA, CA. January 2017


SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science)             

Long Beach, CA. October 2016. 

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